The Mountain

The Mountain was founded by Unitarian Universalists in 1979 as a nonprofit camp and conference center. This is an ecologically conscious retreat and learning center serving congregations, businesses, schools, and other Unitarian Universalist and community groups.

Located on 4,200 foot high granite cliffs on the Eastern Continental Divide in the Blue Ridge Mountains, we offer a very unique opportunity – come refresh your spirit in the natural beauty of a mountaintop. Clink HERE for the Story of The Mountain for more history about the place.

We have a full range of dining, lodging and meeting space facilities supporting our own program events, as well as events sponsored by third party vendors seeking that “special place” for their conference, workshop, music fest, wellness event or hiking trek. We strive to be a smoke-free facility.

The Mountain’s largest and strongest program is its summer MountainCamp. From mid-June to late-July our mountaintop is filled with children and youth from 1stto 12th grades. Our camp program is designed to instill in children an appreciation of nature’s wonder while making sure they have as much fun possible. Many of our summer campers come back year after year and span generations.

MountainCamps are designed to build our leaders of tomorrow. Our Counselor in Training program has consistently given young adults the skills and confidence to excel in college, as well as their work and home environments.

Whether you are attending one of our Mountain programs or a retreat program hosted by a congregation or other organization, our doors are open to all.

This open door policy is a based on the Unitarian Universalist (UU) faith tradition and principles of the founders, and those who have dedicated their time, talent and treasure to ensure that all have equal access to The Mountain.

Regardless of religious background, gender, ethnicity, age, ability, sexual orientation or gender expression, we want to share the magic of our mountaintop sanctuary to all who desire the experience.

Vision, Mission and Core Values

An exemplary retreat, camp & learning center that celebrates Unitarian Universalist principles,
inspires people of all ages,
transforms lives,
and builds a more compassionate world.
The Mountain enriches lives,
fosters an appreciation of the natural world,
honors the interconnectedness of all things, and
inspires people to build inclusive, meaningful, sustainable communities throughout their lives.

Core Values

  • The Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Individual
  • Justice, Equity, and Compassion in Human Relations
  • Acceptance of One Another and Encouragement to Spiritual Growth
  • A Free and Responsible Search for Truth and Meaning
  • The Right of Conscience and the Use of Democratic Process
  • The Goal of World Community with Peace, Liberty, and Justice for All
  • Respect for the Interdependent Web of All Existence of which we are a Part